

"To learn, evolve and create is a testimony of our spiritual and embodied aliveness and in honour of the unraveling of the great mystery within and all around us." 


An intimate container catered to you and your unique process.
Together we follow the thread of your nervous system whilst orienting
towards the life affirming and untamed intelligence of your body.  
We listen to the whole of you.


Each session is uniquely tailored and responsive to what is alive for you, we follow your lead as you hold the answers within. Together we create an holistic space that is acknowledging, supporting and uplifting the whole of you,
your present experience and moving along with the process as it is unfolding. I encourage and guide you to go beyond what is known and allow the felt sense to be explored, listened to and embodied. We require to rewire how we relate to our bodies and allow there to be space to  hear from its point of view and the wisdom that is innate to the flesh. 
That’s why our session generally will be slow paced,  allow depth,
subtlety, nuance and perceived silence to co-exist.

Pillars of our
1:1 work together

Trust+ Structure

Together we establish a rooted  and safe connection, a trauma-informed container to maintain a balanced state with a resourced nervous system.

Intuition + Flow

We honour to follow what is emerging in the present moment, weave various healing modalities, include physical movement and always give space for the instincts to lead the way.

Curiosity + Commitment

Gently yet steady we orient towards a sense of pleasure and establish a curious attitude towards anything emerging, to release outdated patterns and develop new neural pathways.


In our session we are drawing from various holistic modalities,
ancient healing arts and technologies, my own evolving methodologies

married with my inner intuitive guidance.

To point out a few:
Polyvagal Theory, Hakomi, Focusing,
Organic Intelligence, Cycle Awareness,
Body-Mind Centering, Breath Work, Authentic Movement

some reasons you may want to work together

∵ sharpen your embodied self awareness
∵ own your lived experiences

on a deeper level
∵ cultivating a loving and empowering
relationship with your body
∵ expand your capacity to understand
your body's messages
∵ release and move beyond old patterns
∵ grow more intentional in who you are
and who you choose to be
∵ empowering yourself for self responsibility and leadership
∵ living in integrity and alignment 
with your embodiment
∵ reconnect to your primal instinct
and innate intuition
∵ igniting your original creative expression
∵ reframing intelligence, moving towards and with the genius you uniquely hold within 


Explore Working together

Sessions and packages will be uniquely tailored to your current requirements and life moment. First and foremost it is important for us to feel aligned;  the first step towards working together is a free and non-binding Discovery Call. This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and for you to ask questions.

I find working with individuals on a consistent basis, especially if you have a specific goal in mind, 
is a key part of the journey. We are creating a relational container together and
work in a trauma - informed way. For the healing and integration to land fully and
to always respect your bodies pace, we allow space and subtly. After your initial session
we will create a plan together for frequency and duration of your sessions.

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